Sony Google TV Goes on Sale as New Model with Voice Search Debuts


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Jan 5, 2011

Sony just dropped the price on their current version of Google TV. The reason they did that is because they also announced a new version of the device that will have one particularly cool advanced feature: voice search! The new Google TV NSZ-GS8 is basically just a revamped version of the previous model, but the new voice search functionality which works through the remote makes it stand out. Here's a quote with some additional detail,

The rest hasn't changed too much, as you can see if you compare the two devices side-by-side on Sony's website. As far as the price goes, the Sony NSZ-GS8 will cost $199, just like the NSZ-GS7, and, according to Sony's official blog post, will be available at the beginning of July.

If you can do without the new remote and voice search, you can now get the old Sony NSZ-GS7 for $169. You can also add the voice search functionality to the old version of Sony's Google TV by purchasing the new microphone-toting remote for $49.99, starting with June 17.

Source: via AndroidAuthority