Storing images from camera


May 20, 2011
I'm going on vacation and would like to download my camera images daily to my A500. Then, I can do minor editing, like deleting bad shots. Then, at the end of my vacation, I want to transfer all my keeper images from the A500 to my PC. Any suggestion on apps and/or procedures to do this? I do have a USB reader.....

Thanks, John
I would guess you mean you have a memory reader that plugs into the usb on the A500.
Have you tried it?
I have one that I know works but I read that they do not all work.
And why not delete bad photos directly from the camera?
Chances are your memory card will hold more than the A500.
I use a 32 gig memory card in my camera.
Actually have 3 of them.
My A 500 is 16 gigs. I do have a 32 gig micro SD card in it also.
You could buy a micro sd and use it to take photos, provided you camera uses sd, then put it directly into the A500.
Just make sure you buy one with the full size sd adapter to use it in the camera.
If you want to transfer the photos you can as long as your usb memory reader works.
You will need a file manager app.
If you download photos daily then the camera may start the day numbering them from 001 each day.
I used to download to my laptop every day but always left the highest # photo on the camera so it would continue numbering from the number of that photo.
I have a Canon PowerShot camera, and when I plug it into the Acer (using the Canon supplied USB cable) the Gallery app opens automatically with an album containing the photos on the camera, which you can view and select for importing to the Acer. Very simple. With my older Fuji camera, it appears as a USB mass storage device, requiring a file manager to transfer the images, but that's still not complicated.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet
I have a Nikon d60. When I plugged in the USB connection my a500 showed me the pics and enabled me to display / transfer to Photo Gallery. The only issue was that it stored the images in a folder called imported. I used astro app to move them to my sd card. Have you tried to plug the USB cable to see what happens?
Whoa! Just tried this, and found a new wrinkle.....

Plugged in the little low-end olympus, and its little light started blinking like crazy.
But nothing obvious was happening on the tablet. So I thought I would just give it a few minutes, as
it would blink, then pause, then blink, like it was transferring pictures.

Note: At no time did it open the gallery.
Looking around with my file manager: At no time did it actually transfer my pictures to the Acer.
They only showed up in /mnt/usb_storage.
The Acer recognized the pictures on the USB device (camera) and allowed me to view them, but they remained on the camera.

Note: When I plugged in the camera, it put an option on the screen asking me how it should behave. It offered
"print", and "PC". I imagine higher end or newer cameras may offer different options, so YMMV as to what happens
when you plug in your camera. That may be why Dave's Acer did an import, where mine did not.
And if yours does offer a Transfer option, some high end cameras could easily fill your Acer's storage, so this
would be an excellent reason to have a MicroSD card installed in the Acer.

But then the really cool part:

I had the New version of drop box installed in the Acer, the one that will (optionally) upload your pictures as soon as you take them to a special folder on your dropbox account. I happened to notice my wifi indicator on the Acer was blinking frantically.

Stepped over to my computer, the screen had dropbox alerts, and all of the photos from the Olympus were synced to dropbox and already downloaded on my computer.

So you could go on vacation, leave your machine idling at home, monitors off, plug in your camera each night back
at the hotel and your pictures would automatically transfer to dropbox then to your computer.

You don't have to take the pictures off the camera, because when I plugged the camera in a second time
some several minutes later, dropbox did not transfer them again, but it did check each photo against the
web to make sure it was already uploaded.
What android file manager did you use to transfer the pictures? No app (Gallery or otherwise) gives me the choice of transferring the pictures to the tablet. Once I unplug my camera, (or take out the card) the pictures are gone, as "the storage device) is unplugged. I'm getting very frustrated with this, as with a PC, I use the built-in Windows program which automatically activates once a camera card is inserted and asks WHERE you want the pictures transferred to..The tablet does nothing automatically... Help :) Julia

I would guess you mean you have a memory reader that plugs into the usb on the A500.
Have you tried it?
I have one that I know works but I read that they do not all work.
And why not delete bad photos directly from the camera?
Chances are your memory card will hold more than the A500.
I use a 32 gig memory card in my camera.
Actually have 3 of them.
My A 500 is 16 gigs. I do have a 32 gig micro SD card in it also.
You could buy a micro sd and use it to take photos, provided you camera uses sd, then put it directly into the A500.
Just make sure you buy one with the full size sd adapter to use it in the camera.
If you want to transfer the photos you can as long as your usb memory reader works.
You will need a file manager app.
If you download photos daily then the camera may start the day numbering them from 001 each day.
I used to download to my laptop every day but always left the highest # photo on the camera so it would continue numbering from the number of that photo.
I am travelling without a computer so dropbox doesn't seem to work for me. It wants me to be connected to the internet. Is there a program that lets me transfer my picture files to my tablet for editing that doesn't require use of wifi or the internet?
Thanks in advance for help on this.

Whoa! Just tried this, and found a new wrinkle.....

Plugged in the little low-end olympus, and its little light started blinking like crazy.
But nothing obvious was happening on the tablet. So I thought I would just give it a few minutes, as
it would blink, then pause, then blink, like it was transferring pictures.

Note: At no time did it open the gallery.
Looking around with my file manager: At no time did it actually transfer my pictures to the Acer.
They only showed up in /mnt/usb_storage.
The Acer recognized the pictures on the USB device (camera) and allowed me to view them, but they remained on the camera.

Note: When I plugged in the camera, it put an option on the screen asking me how it should behave. It offered
"print", and "PC". I imagine higher end or newer cameras may offer different options, so YMMV as to what happens
when you plug in your camera. That may be why Dave's Acer did an import, where mine did not.
And if yours does offer a Transfer option, some high end cameras could easily fill your Acer's storage, so this
would be an excellent reason to have a MicroSD card installed in the Acer.

But then the really cool part:

I had the New version of drop box installed in the Acer, the one that will (optionally) upload your pictures as soon as you take them to a special folder on your dropbox account. I happened to notice my wifi indicator on the Acer was blinking frantically.

Stepped over to my computer, the screen had dropbox alerts, and all of the photos from the Olympus were synced to dropbox and already downloaded on my computer.

So you could go on vacation, leave your machine idling at home, monitors off, plug in your camera each night back
at the hotel and your pictures would automatically transfer to dropbox then to your computer.

You don't have to take the pictures off the camera, because when I plugged the camera in a second time
some several minutes later, dropbox did not transfer them again, but it did check each photo against the
web to make sure it was already uploaded.
Did you read the first three paragraphs of the message you quoted?

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