Strange Icon Samsung GT2 7.0

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Oct 23, 2012
I've got a strange icon on the top of my tablet, just to the left off centre above the five white page icon squares. It doesn't disappear at all, when watching videos, apps , games etc'. It's a little grey rectangle with with about two thirds of the left hand side covered in orange, about the size of the battery icon, maybe a little less. It's very frustrating as I have no idea why it is there. Probably appeared in the last day or so. Please help, I've looked on the net and there is no description or picture to be found.

$weird icon.jpg
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That's pretty strange. Anything happen when you tap on it? Can it be moved?
I just notice the orange part of it moved, sort of like a status bar, battery wifi etc', then remembered I put a RAM booster app on the other day. Just removed the app and Hey Presto, what a **** !!!. Thanks Leeshor. Feel free to delete the thread if need be.
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