Suggestions of First Things To Do After Rooting


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Staff member
Jan 6, 2011
After my own root, I thought about adding a post to help fill in some of the steps of the rooting process. Since it seems that most people here are able to get rooted I thought I would instead focus on the first things to tackle after rooting to get the most out of your rooted NC experience. These are completely optional but will help you use your rooted nook.

1. Press the "^" arrow on the screen above the "n" button and select "extras". Open the "Market" app search for and install these apps:
Zeam - A good Home Launcher for the NC. Other options are ADW, LauncherPro etc.

Home Manager - Will be used to help set up your NC for use.

Home Swithcer - Will be used to help set up your NC for use.

AppBrain Market - Useful for finding and installing apps.

FastWeb Installer - Allows installation of apps from AppBrain Market.

Dolphin Browser HD - A useful browser alternative to the NC browser.

Titanium Backup - Allows you to backup and restore your installed apps.

Button Savior - Allows you to access the Android navigation buttons from any screen.
2. Setup your home manager and SoftKeys or Button Savior.
a. Button Savior is a persistent button application that gives you soft versions of the hard buttons on android devices. This means there will always be a little grey arrow on the screen that you can touch to have the Android buttons (Back, Home Search and Menu) appear.

b. SoftKeys - This will remove the persistent little SoftKeys arrow from the screen to clean things up. From the "extras" screen select the "Home Manager" app. Touch the "SoftKeys" entry and choose "set as default" from the pop up menu. Alternatively, you can select "Home Switcher" and then use the "set default" button next to "SoftKeys".

From "extras" select "SoftKeys" then touch the settings button (a hammer/wrench icon)
and follow these instructions proveded by vapor63 in the SoftKey vs Button Savior thread:

Options in screen order:

SoftKeys Service

1. Uncheck "Run Service"
2. *personal preference*
3. *personal preference* (should be pretty low)
4. *doesn't matter, the "popper" is turned off in #1
5. Check "Auto Hide"
6. Unchecked (*personal preference I assume, haven't tried it on*)
7. *personal preference*

Virtual Home Button

1. Normal Press: set to your Preferred Home Launcher (In my case, Zeam is my favorite)
2. Long Press: SoftKeys
3. Unchecked

I'm not sure why these settings for the Virtual Home Button have an effect, but they seem to.

Physical Home Button

1. Single Tap = Softkeys, Doubletap = Zeam (preferred launcher)

Some people have to reboot after install to get their preferred launcher to appear here

2. *personal preference*

3. To setup widgets and items to your Zeam home screen long touch the screen until the menu pops up then touch "add item". To add apps, long hold on an app in your apps folder until it moves to the home screen. To move apps around the home screen or add then to the launcher bar, long hold the app on the home screen and it will highlight allowing you to drag and drop it to the new location.

You should now have everything set up to start enjoying your NC :)

Some extra tips.

You can run both Button Savior and SoftKeys at the same time if you choose.

If you don't want to use your phsyical buttons you can touch the little houses in the lower left corner and then choose "Quick Switcher" to swith between the NC home, Zeam home and SoftKeys.

In certain apps you may now see a default back button to the left of the "^" arrow. If you don't want to press the "n" button to bring up SoftKeys, you can try a right to left swipe across the clock, battery and Wifi icons in the lower right corner.

You can also touch the little grey arrow to bring up Button Savior to avoid physical button pressing of the n button or anytime an app runs full screen.
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Question: you advise to install Button Savior, but then proceed to outline how to configure Softkeys. If you're using softkeys this way, whats BS even doing?
Originally I just had soft Keys in the guide since it was the default installation with autonooter. I then modified to give a choice between the two. Maybe it isn't clear that there are two options here but the intent is just to have any easy list of both.

After using the device for a while people will figure out their preferences but when you first root I think these steps will allow you to really start using the Nook as a tablet rather than in the B&N ereader style and with out getting stuck in apps like Angry Birds.

I actually use both and depending on what I am doing and where my hands are I may use either one. For example using the Nook one handed I can't always reach the BS keys but may be able to reach the n key and open the SK across the bottom with in reach of my thumb.
great post. easy to follow and read.

2 questions
1)What is a good file explorer that I should download? Something so I can go into the card and launch a video or document.
2) How do I get rid of Quick Switcher and Home Switcher from my notifications menu? I see 4 little houses there.


1) Two of the poular ones around here are Asrtro and ES File Explorer but there are others in the market.

2) Go to your app drawer and open the app. Then press the menu button in softkeys or button savior menu>settings> uncheck Notification (Show on status bar) box
