Tablet to replace lost/stolen Memopad 8...


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2012
Over the last 7 months i've had terrible luck and lost both my Nook HD and Memopad 8.

The Memopad 8 was mostly ideal - though the sound was a little on the lacking side. The screen was good quality, the battery life was decent though could be better. Ideally, better battery life would mean I can keep the GPS turned on when I'm out and about to make it harder to lose it again.

I'm stuck between getting another Memopad, or something slightly better. My budget isn't very high but if there's something worth getting I might fork out a bit more, esp. if it meant better sound quality which I felt was a downgrade from my Nook HD(as was the resolution somewhat, but that's not as big a deal to me as long as the contrast ratio/colour quality is good). I also really liked the reading mode feature as I use it for reading books at night.

I use it mainly for reading comics, books and web browsing. I'm also autistic so I sometimes use it to communicate when I'm non-verbal, so an accurate/responsive touch screen is also a plus.

I'm in Ireland.