Tegra-2 Powered Advent Vega Gets Custom Honeycomb 3.2 ROM


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

The Advent Vega may not have received a lot of media attention, but the inexpensive little Tegra-2 powered Android tablet sure is getting a lot of love from modders. Not only does the $329 dollar device already have a port of Honeycomb, but some industrious hackers have also created a more advanced Honeycomb 3.2 ROM that even supports the more powerful GPU acceleration in the tab.

The ROM isn't "fully baked" yet, as the camera and Bluetooth aren't functional, yet, but the savvy engineers are working on that right now too. If you are one of the ucky folks that has one of these tabs, and want to give the ROM a try, just hit the Tablet Roms source link below for more info and a download. You can also check out the video above to get a glimpse of it in action.

Source: Engadget and Tablet Roms
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Great news for ViewSonic g-Tabbers too as a lot of the ROMs we have are based off ports of the Vega!

Very cool