The GUTS of a WM8650


Apr 16, 2011
so that nobody else goes doing something stupid to see what the inside of an E-18 looks like I present the only known photo of the inside of one....mine. (it cost me my touchscreen at least until i can figure out how to solder a ribbon connector...luckily mouse works on them so its not a brick)

the actual display is connected to the board by a 1inchwide thin ribbon connector, the touchscreen input is a centimeterwide ribbon connector, the blue tape is the two battery packs, lower left corner is the reset (kill) switch. CPU is stamped VIA8650, no DDR2 slot it appears that the memory is embedded into the board.
Hey, thanks for posting this info! I think i've bricked my WM8605 though =( I wish to hard reset it. and noticed there's a tiny hole at the bottom which I suspect is the reset switch, however when I inserted a tiny pin, I can't seem to feel any clickable switch. Based on your description though, you seem to confirm that there is a reset micro switch at the bottom left (based on your pic)

I also noticed there's a black tape on the left corner too. Is the switch hidden behind it?

Thanks for your time =)
yes and no. the black heat-fabric tape covers the ribbon cable that connects the touchscreen input to the mainboard...thee reset switch is located on the side. hypothetically you should be able to hit the reset switch with a paperclip IF you feel around enough (its pretty small and easy to miss) or, another fun fact here, the switch-button actually is TWO buttons, one on the side and one on the top. if you squeeze the tablet where the button is it should engage...if your tablet shuts off when you do this then you found it. (I still reccomend the paperclip to this method) the button surface is maybe a millimeter thick and maybe 3 millimeters wide.
Thanks again. I managed to pry open my WM8650. Unfortunately I wasn't careful enough and accidently cracked the LCD's screen =( I now understand what you meant with regards to the reset switch's position! It's awkwardly located off center, and honestly if i didn't open it up, i wouldn't have known where the sweet spot is! With the unit all naked, I disconnected the battery, hit the reset switch, and still, the result is the same. turning it on does nothing - black screen, pressing the power button again, puts it into sleep mode.. I think I'll never ever be able to make him work like before. DARN ROM upgrade!! If it's this dangerous, I really respect the guys who could do it. This is my first Android experience, and I hope to learn more. Guess I'll have to find a new tablet now. I think I'll just settle for a 1Ghz processor, cause honestly, I wasn't happy with the WM8650's performance, and that was the very reason which prompted me to find alternative ROM with hopes to make it more snappier. This brick will remain as an experimental toy from now on. I'm still not giving up on reviving him though... Hey, any good and affordable tablets to recommend?
Not needed, i saw a few picrtures of inside WM8650 tablet in other forums...

Bad choice mate :S
my ZT-180 should arrive anyday now which is a 1ghz cpu and 512 ram...ill let you know how it performs.
my ZT-180 should arrive anyday now which is a 1ghz cpu and 512 ram...ill let you know how it performs.

I just checked the specs for ZT-180 and it's quite impressive!! Hmm, I'm actually looking at the Dropad A8, with samsung s5p210. It has a very good capacitive touch screen and there's also HDMI out, which is handy for watching HD movies on my under utilized HD-ready tele =D
