Turn off 3G?

Really? $99 + 24 months at $20 (1GB plan) = $580 yeah that's really cheap- and i would guess you're not a business major - and that's assuming you can find a $99 offer -

at only $200 (via craiglist), i use my nook for browsing, reading, watching videos, watch netflix, playing games, texting, social networking - don't miss or need the mic, gps or camera at all and at 1.3GHz my nook runs circles around my SGT 7 inch (but my google IO runs circles around both of these)

oh and if i want to use gps, i can use my phone to send the signal over to the nook via bluetooth gps

so the question really is - is mic and camera worth $380 to you?

You also lose the microphone as well.

Why spend more money on Nook and have to screw with it to make it INTO a Tab, when you can buy a Tab cheaper than a Nook and have it do all you want it to do?

It's like buying a skateboard and turning it into a car for $10,000 when you can buy a car for $5,000.

SGT Refurb $99 3G TMO
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Really? $99 + 24 months at $20 (1GB plan) = $580 yeah that's really cheap- and i would guess you're not a business major - and that's assuming you can find a $99 offer -

at only $200 (via craiglist), i use my nook for browsing, reading, watching videos, watch netflix, playing games, texting, social networking - don't miss or need the mic, gps or camera at all and at 1.3GHz my nook runs circles around my SGT 7 inch (but my google IO runs circles around both of these)

oh and if i want to use gps, i can use my phone to send the signal over to the nook via bluetooth gps

so the question really is - is mic and camera worth $380 to you?

With no 3G why would there be a monthly charge? I bought mine outright and have no ongoing payments. Wifi only means not using the phone network or paying for it.
yeah but not $99 which is the point the poster was making - but if it is $99 for wifi , please send me the link coz I'll pick one up myself

With no 3G why would there be a monthly charge? I bought mine outright and have no ongoing payments. Wifi only means not using the phone network or paying for it.
yeah but not $99 which is the point the poster was making - but if it is $99 for wifi , please send me the link coz I'll pick one up myself

not being the person who said 99 I don't have the link, the lowest price I have seen is $299 AUD.
Okay, here's my latest. The Airplane On, Wi-Fi On trick worked on the store display model. I bought a 3G and took it home, intending not to activate the 3G account at all. But the Tab won't let me get past the opening Activation screen to just use it on wi-fi. Any way around this?

  1. Press “Volume Up” once.
  2. Press “Volume Down” twice.
  3. Press “Volume Up” three times.
  4. Press “Volume Down” four times.
  5. Enjoy!
Android platform is gaining lot of importance these days as every second person owns Android phone. This platform is not only limited to normal users, but also entering the corporate environment.
This article will give you deep insight of how to turn off 3G on Android phone.
If you are finding any difficulties in turning on 3G on your Android device then follow the below steps.
  1. Tap the Menu icon.
  2. Then scroll towards right and select settings from the list.
  3. Select Wireless Controls or Wireless & networks (as per OS versions).
  4. Scroll down to select Mobile Networks.
  5. You will get a list on the screen from which you have to select Network Mode.
  6. A dialogue box will get populated in front of you with different options like WCDMA only, GSM only and GSM/WCDMA preferred. You have to select GSM/WCDMA preferred option.
  7. As soon as you will select this option, 3G is enabled on your phone.
Now if you are in 3G-enabled area and your device is 3G compatible, you are good to enjoy high speed internet services on your mobile phone.
you are finding any difficulties in turning off 3G on your Android device then follow the below steps.

  1. Tap the Menu icon.
  2. Then scroll towards right and select settings from the list.
  3. Select Wireless Controls or Wireless & networks (as per OS versions).
  4. Scroll down to select Mobile Networks.
  5. You will get a list on the screen from which you have to select Network Mode.
  6. A dialogue box will get populated in front of you with different options like WCDMA only, GSM only and GSM/WCDMA preferred. You have to select GSM/WCDMA preferred option.
  7. As soon as you will select this option, 3G is enabled on your phone.
Now if you are in 3G-enabled area and your device is 3G compatible, you are good to enjoy high speed internet services on your mobile phone.