Turn off and lock internet access


Jun 28, 2011
My granddaughter will be using a Coby Kyros Mid7015 (OEM no mods or changes) to read books. I will be downloading the books then putting the Kyros in Airplane Mode to turn off internet access. Is there a way to password protect or lock that setting so my granddaughter cannot change the setting to access the internet? (her or her friends will be more than capable to do this)

I was hoping to install something like Blue Coat K9 web protection but they said until Google something or another allows apps or services to be locked, there is nothing they can do to properly protect a tablet like this. And, all my searching has turned up nothing ... also don't want to root this or do anything like that at present.

Appreciate your thoughts .... n tks
IF it was rooted, you could make a different resolv.conf and use instead of which would change the dns. Of course that would be easy to figure out if she knows linux and networking.

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Just looked in the market. Smart app lock sounds like what you are looking for, but it is not free. I have not used it... just providing a solution that might work.

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You could delete the wifi connection (assuming that your wifi has a password) after loading books.
Deleting the wifi connection probably wouldn't work, all the kids know McDonalds and a zillion other places that have free wifi. I think beastman is on the right track with a locking app like Smart App Lock.
Or you could simply put a little trust in your granddaughter. Just because a kid has access to the internet doesn't mean they are going to go wild and get in trouble. If you want her to have a dedicated e-reader a tablet is a poor choice. A Kindle or Nook would be better.
If you want her to have a dedicated e-reader a tablet is a poor choice. A Kindle or Nook would be better.
Once again, the simplest solution is the best (IMO). And, as an added bonus, least expensive. This also eliminates the "trust" issue.
Thank you all for your replies and advice .... it really is appreciated. We do trust our granddaughter but we also want to protect her from the junk that is out there and at the same time give her a little more than just a reader all the time. I will definitely take a look at smart app lock. Again thank you all ... without the community of "sharer's" where would the rest of us be!
Please let us know if smart app lock works. Maybe the mods will make a faq sticky

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