Ubuntu on bootable SD for allwinner a10


May 18, 2012
Since these devices are not dual core, we can't use the neat Ubuntu for Android that came out. Still, a 1.2 gig core and all that memory can still handle the latest Ubuntu. I have been looking into this for the 7024 I have with a busted screen.In reasearching this, I stumbled on this for allwinner a10 devices. Figured I'd post it to see what could be said. Ive seen ubuntu on allwinners but not without using a vnc terminal, but it seems some have gotten xfce to work (go figure).
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Found an interesting article at arstechnica about a dual boot android/ubuntu tablet for $100.

"... Buyers can choose to have either Android or Linux pre-installed into the internal memory. If you run Android, you’ll be able to dual-boot by using a bootable SD card loaded with Linux.
PengPods and the PengStick use the A10, a 1.2GHz Cortex A8 ARM Core system-on-chip from Allwinner Technology..."

Android and Linux on a dual-booting tablet for $100

In the meantime, I got linuxonandroid working with the VNC viewer as you described in your post. It loads and runs pretty well. I was surprised how snappy it runs. Its nice to have linux running (even if "virtually") on my coby tablet.