uptade fw problem


Aug 10, 2011
Tell me, what to do?
Have SP3
the impression that the system partition is closed access rights - flashing w/o results(copying with no errors .. but started old FW), software after remove (for example launcher pro) is restored as if nothing had happened after a reboot, android market is not stores login / password, the device does not remember the access point WiFi.
no longer know what to do ... open device device and work with system memory card (if it is not integrated)?

Now the device firmware from Tim 5a from (07/12/2011)
Solved his problem
had to disassemble the tablet.
it was a memory card - it did not take action with it or not under Windows and under linux - partition table remains as it was, low-level format - error.
It was sanDisk 8Gb, microSD-HC

card under the replacement