Velocity Cruz Reader R101


Mar 13, 2011
hello, i m fairly new to the whole Android thing! My uncle has a Cruz Reader R101 & it hasn't worked right since he received it about 2 months ago!
Yesterday, he went to turn it on, and it would not respond at first. about half hour later, it was showing the word CRUZ across the middle of the screen & would not respond. I hit the reset button, which made it shut-down, but then it would not power back up! We have done the whole take the back off, unplug the battery, plug back in, etc. that didn't do anything. tried hitting reset button again, still nothing! won't power back up with the power button. won't power up when plugged in. we even tried to see if connecting it to our home computer would help, but (of course) that didn't do a thing either. computer didn't even show that there was anything new plugged into it!
Has anyone else had this problem? or anything even similar?
Can anyone (hopefully) help me/us?
When I first got my R101, it was very slow to startup but did. If after a couple of minutes you arent up to at least the home page, get a different one.