velocity tablet 103


Mar 14, 2011
I have the reader and was not happy with wifi and response, thus bought tablet for better usage. it worked well for a day until I charged it, guess what.
they make the same adaptor jack for reader and tablet but with different voltage, very smart people there. now I plugged in the reader jack into tablet, and voila it fried up.
Called support and they are very smart people again and denied any support or regret for making wrong product, now who in the right mind will make same jacks and from the same company for different voltage and burn up the device. Velocity calls them pioneers in support and product engineering.. where is it now.. wake up people..
I am not buying any more cruz devices ever.

People, if you buy the same cruz tablets or readers then be careful not to waste your money on these toys.
Very frustrated Velocity, no wonder now Costco, Best buy or Borders dont carry them any more. good for them..
I did the exact same thing! I'm not sure if the tablet is dead yet..
I bought the reader for my mother and then replaced it with the tablet, I just swapped the tablet with the reader keeping the reader stand and charger.
I got a phone call and she said the screen was flashing white so she unplugged it, I will look at it this weekend to see the damage.
Damn poor design, the chargers are not marked as to which units they go to and there are no warnings!