Videos from Tablet to DVD


Oct 1, 2013
I just returned from vacation, and have a bunch of videos recorded on my tablet in MP4 format. They play fine. What I want to do is burn them to a DVD as one movie. I have been trying to use Wondershare DVD creator, but every time I go to "import" the file, it says it cannot import. So I took a stab at it and used handbrake to make a new mp4 file using the mp4 file from tablet and it worked and I can import it to wondershare. I guess the root of my question is this: if the file is already an MP4 within tablet, why can I not import the file directly...I mean MP4 is MP4. I am confused.:confused: Do I have to use handbrake on each file to convert from android MP4 to regular MP4? Is there an easier method, as I have about 20 videos...

My tablet is the Asus MeMO pad smart 10 "ME301T"
MP4 format is really a container for various underlying video tech. Not all MP4 files are created the same, they use different codecs to encode the file. That's the $0.50 answer. ;)
Yeah, I copied the one MP4 file I used handbrake on to my computer and tried to import that way...nothing. Once it is coverted from mp4 to mp4 through handbrake, it imports fine. All my music files work okay, and pictures import okay, but the mp4s do not.