Viewsonic G-Tablet, pictures being deleted after viewing.


Jun 7, 2011
Hi all so this is my 3rd post(not necessarily in this forum) about this issue I am having with my G-tablet. I mainly bought this tablet to act like an ebook reader with more functionality than the usual. So I have downloaded comics to read, some are in cbr format and some are in folders that are just jpegs. Now my problem is that I can view these jpegs files normally, but whenever I either shutdown or put my tablet on hibernate, the pictures will be gone after I power the tablet up again. The folders are still there but no pictures. ??? I don't understand why this is doing this, I've also had other pictures deleted too. The files are mainly stored on my 16gb microsd that I have installed. This has happened to me about 3 times now. Is it the app I am using or some setting in the tablet that for some reason deletes photos after viewing?

Oh yeah my g-tablet is rooted with Vegan.

Please help me because this problem is very annoying.


When you turn it off, do you know if it unmounted the sdcard? You could do the following:
Open terminal
umount /mnt/sdcard

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
Hi thanks for the reply. I tried what you said, i tried to unmount the sdcard before rebooting or powering down, but as soon as I turn it on my pictures are gone again. I also read somewhere on another forum that this is a known issue with Vegan and to solve this problem I am supposed to create a file and call it ".nomedia" and am supposed to put this file where my picutres are on my microsd card. I have also tried this to no avail. Now maybe I am doing this wrong, I only created a text file and then called it ".nomedia" I also copied this file into every folder and sub folder where my pics are getting deleted.

Any more suggestions, thanks,

Yes, I'm having the same problem. I was thinking along the lines mentioned e.g. that the micro SD card needs to be unmounted before shutting down. Of course this is not always possible, e.g. where you leave the tablet for a period of time and it shuts down automatically. My workaround for now is to copy files from the microSD card to internal memory....but this operation is so slow. Bottom line for now, I will not leave files on the microSD card in the G-tab that I don't have backed up someplace else.....

For me a possible use of the MicroSD card was to take photos with my digital camera and back them up to the G-Tab for viewing and safe keeping....until I find a solution to the "deleting" problem, I would not trust my photos on the micro card to the G-tab's care.
Hi GRadu thanks for responding. I have sort of found a work around myself. I usually always keep the gtablet charged and dont shut it down, only hibernate the device and the pictures will stay on my microsd card. The unmounting method, which someone suggested I unmount the sd card before shutting down didnt work for me. Now this might be a mistake on my part, because the person who suggested it didn't say if I should unmount and remove the card before shutting down. I unmounted and just the card in there and then shut down. My problem was when after turning the device back on, the sd card mounted itself and when I opened my picture viewing app, it detected my new photos, it asked me that it has found new photos and if I would like to scan to create new albums, I said yes, and then every new photo it found it deleted them all. Next time I will just remove the sdcard before shutting down.

You mentioned copying files from the microsd card to the internal memory, how do you do that, I still haven't figured that out yet. The only thing I figured out on moving files from one location to the other is if I go into setting I can select my apps to be moved to the sd card instead.
The file explorer that came with my Vegan-Tab Rom "IFileManger" did not seem to have the features to copy/delete files, so I installed a file explorer called "ES File Explorer".

The ES File Manager app allows you to select files {multiselect} and then select an "operation" from the menu. Operations allow Delete, copy, send, rename, etc.

So I was able to copy the files from the microSD card to internal memory and hence "avoid" the file deletion problem.

I think that as long as you unmount the microSD card AND remove the card before powering off, the files on the microSD card will not be deleted.
@afrowookie - Next time you have an issue please post it in the Viewsonic G-Tablet subsections. This will make sure that myself and other mods see these issues earlier.

How did you format the card in the first place? Did you do it in your Windows machine or via the tablet?
Honestly I can't remember if I formatted the sd card at all. I think I just bought the thing installed it into the usb adapter that came with it, and inserted into my Win7 laptop and copied files onto it. Should I have formatted it a certain way before I used it?