Viewsonic gTablet 10.1" Android Tablet $275 FS @ tigerdirect/ebay

Looks like a good deal Rico, better than the extra $25 for it from Staples I suppose although for me the $25 is worth the piece of mind. Woot has had it twice for $279, so that is a close price too.

Either way, you seriously thinking of giving up your Nook? Every time I get one of those one of my kids snatches it!
Viewsonic gTablet 10.1" Internet Tablet | eBay
Seller: TigerDirect

Tempting. :)

*Delete if report
Rico, DON'T DO IT!!!!! :) I did...and now I'm a gTab convert!

Actually, knowing how much you love your NC, I think the viewing angles on the gTab may be pretty annoying (they bug me). But in my case, the extra processing oomph (and screen real estate) more than makes up for what it lacks in display sex-appeal.

Of course if we get Rico, then we also get one of the more involved moderators Matt...

Sent from my Bottle of Smoke using Android Tablet Forum
Mmmm I have had a craving for that gTab recently. Now is the time... But still not gonna give up the iconia or the SuperPAD

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!
Why is it that in my head I am picturing people standing around rico chanting "jump jump jump" :p
Why is it that in my head I am picturing people standing around rico chanting "jump jump jump" :p
I think that's an accurate image!...though TBH (like you) can't he straddle both worlds?

It's interesting in my case that I'm in a house with both a NC and a gTab. So on a daily basis I get to see the strengths and differences of each device. I personally lean toward the gTab, but if I were building the ideal tablet for me, I'd probably (a) shave an inch off the screen size (9 inches?), and (b) cut some weight off the back, and it would hit that sweet spot.

I'd also like to play with a Transformer, if only to get a sense of what it's like to own a tablet that plugs into a keyboard dock. On the one hand it sounds pretty handy, and on the other I want to yell "JUST GET A NETBOOK!!!!!!" LOL :)
