Watch asf videostream on Archos 101


Jun 16, 2012
Hello, I am new here on this forum, so please forgive me if I ask a very stupid question, or post this in the wrong thread...
To start with, I have a technical background and I have programmed several applications for the Windows platform, but I am a newbie where it concerns Android!
I have an Archos 101 tabled I would like to watch an asf videostream on. (asf is in fact streaming wmv.)
On a windows PC this is easy to do in the Windows Media Player, by specifying: mms://[ip address]:[portnumber].
What do I need to watch this video stream on my tablet PC and more important: where do I get that app?
I have tried almost everything, but until now this all had a very bad influence on my mood and still it is not working...
Who knows the solution to this problem?