What can't I do on the ipad


Apr 4, 2012
What can't I do on the ipad
This is my first post, I would like to purchase an Ipad 3 but have been told that it will not view certain web pages, because it has no flash player.

I visited my local Currys store today, they say that the problem has now been solved, he showed me three different sites, Thompsons holidays, Mercedes cars and Auto Trader all of which seem to work ok. So where is the problem?

They say that if you want to say change the colour of the car in new car configerator this might not work, but I did not try this.

I understand that an Android device is the one to use, but I like the Ipad.

Thanks for any help anyone can give in enabling me to understand the flash problem. If there is a problem perhaps you could give a few links to sites that do not work on the ipad.​
There are many differences between the iPad and Android tablets. Flash is one of the biggest and has not been solved, but there is a whole philosophy of of difference between the two. iPads are great tablets but the general philosophical difference is that you are locked into one version and into Apple's ecosystem. You only have the choice of one size tablet in one design and you must do everything through Apple's store (music, movies, book and apps)

Android is much more open, from your choice of many different tablet manufacturers (Asus, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba...) and their different hardware features (built in remotes, usb, hdmi, 5"-10" screens...) and the ability to use widgets on your home screen, change the look and layout of the device including many options for keyboards, wallpapers, etc. and the ability to get apps and music from multiple sources (Google Play Store, Amazon App Store, Slideme...).

Flash is becoming less of an issue as websites have implemented mobile versions of websites that don't rely on it and have moved to a format called HTML5 instead. However there are still many, many sites that rely on Flash player. Here are some examples Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2012.
What you cannot do on iPad:
1. take good pictures (front camera 0.3 Mpix, back 5 Mpix). LOL my phone has better cameras.
2. play games at the highest quality (iPad --> old 2 core CPU, 4 core GPU). Transformer Prime --> full core 4+1 CPU 12 core GPU.
3. Access full file system and use it as you would use it on PC.
4. Install software not approved by (iPad real owner) Apple.
5. Connect directly to your TV via HDMI
6. Add additional memory via micro SD card directly to the tablet
7. Browse full (desktop version) web pages. Mobile version just sucks.

Above are just highlights. I am sure there is more. Yes, you are correct Android is THE device to have (less expensive too), but if you like iPad, then what can I tell you. It is your choice.

Current: ASUS Transformer 101 16 GB with keybord dock, ASUS Transformer Prime 201 32 GB.
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