What have I got?


Feb 8, 2012
Hi folks,newbie here to this forum and Adroid. Just bought a 7" tablet, says MID on the box but not much more info. Tried running electricsheep.asi.apk but it wouldn't work.

All I can glean from the device is this.

Model number - m799ca V2.2
Android version - 2.3.3
Kernal version - neville@neville-desktop#44
Build number - m799ca-eng 2.3.3 GRI40 eng-petter.20111201,143607 test-keys

My intention is to use the tablet mainly for web browsing. Immediate things I'd like to do are remove pre-installed apps that I wont use (QQ, phone, etc.)

Also tried Z4root to delete the apps and that wont work either.

Any ideas gratefully received....... John
Take a look in the InfoTomic section. You have one of those devices.
Thanks for that Peter.

I'm interested to know where you got that info from. Do the numbers break down with meanings for each part? Like a vehicle VIN number for instance.

They might..but I got that from being here for 18 months...and being around the Android Tablets since the first one hit the US (the Augen Gentouch 7/8).
@littonlad My tablet has the same M799ca number but it runs Gingerbread 2.3.3 It sys on the Box Superpad II but I believe it is a Flytouch 3 Android.Market says it's a M799ca!