whats better? Viewpad 7 or Gtablet?


May 28, 2011
which one is better to use? just for language learning apps, skyping, ebook reading and watching videos... and easy to hold/ portable

I'm in a dilmena, should I get the Gtablet or the Viewpad7? and why?

I heard the Gtablet doesn't get android market, ?
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I can only give you a lopsided answer (own the gTab) but afaik, nope no Google Market on the stock tablet. But I'm pretty sure you can install the Amazon Market, as well as side-load apps you find elsewhere.

HOWEVER, if you fee up to it, it would take you 15 minutes (not including the time spent reading) to install a custom ROM for the gTab, and then the sky is the limit. Make sure to browse the forum and see what other users recommend, but I had very, very good experiences with TnTLite 4.4.0. I've since moved up to the port of Honecomb called Bottle of Smoke, which is pretty buggy (it's an alpha), but wow it's so cool to see HC work on the gTab.

My sense is the gTab has superior hardware (esp CPU and screen) over the 7" Viewpad, but to be honest I haven't compared the specs in several months. Just my vague recollection...

I'm running Cyanogenmod nightly build, HOWEVER I suggest you run the stable version.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
you are looking at two very different form factors, hardware designs and capabilities between these two tablets, unless you are talking about the new ViewPad 7x. If you mean the 7x, I would go with that tablet since it has Honeycomb already, and sports the new 10-point capacitive multitouch screen. If instead you are thinking the original 7, then I would definitely go with the g-Tablet.
you are looking at two very different form factors, hardware designs and capabilities between these two tablets, unless you are talking about the new ViewPad 7x. If you mean the 7x, I would go with that tablet since it has Honeycomb already, and sports the new 10-point capacitive multitouch screen. If instead you are thinking the original 7, then I would definitely go with the g-Tablet.
Peter, thanks for the follow-up. Just spotted the original 7 for $275 at buy.com:

Buy.com - ViewSonic ViewPad 7

It's nice that it's 3G-ready (and GPS), but that's not a feature I really need on a tablet.

hmmmm. okay, . i'll be using bykni for language learning alot, will the gtab be tiredsome holding up for a few hours while I study a language? how's the portability of this compared to the viewpad7? what's the best simplest mod that can be used for gtab?
is the viewing angels on the Gtab not that bad? i heard it was bad, just my only main concern......