What's wrong?


Jun 12, 2011
After receiving my MID7015, I rooted it, installed clockwork mod recovery etc and the tablet worked fine for several weeks. Of course, on my first small trip to test the potability and functionality of this unit as a travel companion, it didn't function.

I pulled the unit out of it's Nuvo-TEK slip case, turned it on and the screen booted to the black screen with the boot info in the top left corner and then went to the black screen with COBY in the middle (so the screen is not broken). Instead of booting into a clearly viewable opening screen, the screen appeared white with vertical lines on half the screen. It would then not respond to anything except pushing the power button and the screen would light up with the vertical lines on half the screen again.

So, I left it alone for a couple weeks and then called into COBY. They had me push the power and silver button at the same time.....which worked and it went into recovery mode. I then proceeded to wipe everything from the unit and recover to factory setting by choosing item 2 in the recovery console.

I was a happy man for a couple days then it happened again. All I did was load Angry Birds on it but it was unplayable.......two squares in each of the lower corners were blank and it wouldn't start playing. Previously I had Angry Birds Rio on it and got it to play after several tries but the complete wipe got rid of that.

So, now I am trying to get the recovery console back once again. I think the battery is pretty much drained as I have to plug the AC adapter in to get the tablet to do anything. But when I try to boot by depressing the power button and silver button together, the old half screen of vertical lines comes back and nothing can be done.

Ideas? I'm sure the screen isn't broken (cracked) as it did boot up perfectly before after this happening the first time and the screen was fine.

I'd really like not having to send this in as I am on an extended overseas assignment $$$$$$$$$.


Thanks everyone.
From what you explained it seems you have a defective tablet. Try to have them send u another, or get ur money back if possible.

Thank you for the input. Many have read the thread but offered no opinions.

Yes, I have resigned myself to the scenario of bearing the expense of sending it in and paying INTERNATIONAL return shipping. Unfortunately, I am on an extended overseas assignment. I don't want it returned to my home address in the US where it will sit for months and me not knowing if it is repaired correctly or not and then the warranty running out shortly after my return.

More opinions or ideas are welcome.

Thanks again!
A similar thing happened to me, sadly it is junk, fortunately tablets can be purchased very cheaply these days and they are getting cheaper every month, it might be more affordable just to get a new one, I bricked my LT8025 by simply installing a power launcher so don't feel sad.
the only way I could recover mine was to remove the SD card, reformat it on a computer then reset back to factory, even now it only boots up when it feels like it, other times I get the same screen as you, lots of lines.
Good Luck
Looks like you broke your screen. Time to buy a new tablet-that one is junk. Sorry!