Where could I buy this? 7015 model


Dec 16, 2010
I have been looking on the net and google cannot find a store near me that has one. Is this an online only device? Also not sure but is this the multi-touch resistive touchscreen? Or where the ads misleading?

Just picked one up at Kmart. No multi-touch, resistive screen. but for the price, you really cannot complain, or you can get the Augen for $150 on sale this weekend.
Did you guys get the 7005 or 7015 model? I was reading that the 7015 has multi touch resistive screen where the 7005 does not. Google has only found the 7005 model near me.
It's not multi touch. I got mine from amazon.com for $170, I rooted it, flashed clockwork recovery, and added the android market, and the google apps. It's a nice unit for the price. Now, I just need to figure out how make it see the wireless tether on my phone so I can use it on the net anywhere. Anyone have ideas on how to make the tablet see wifi from a android phone?

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Thanks you guys. Phas3d, I would recommend asking over at XDA there was a guy that solved the adhoc problem for us on the G Tablet. Life saver!
I got mine on black friday for $139. Once it is rooted and the real market is installed it is a very nice tablet for the price. I have no problems with WIFI tether with my Samsung Moment. The tablet sees it as soon as I enable it
Got mine at Buy.com. Not gonna root it, for now. I've been able to find one I need on appslib or simple Google search for the appropriate .apk. So far, found most of the things i wanted on mediafire, again via Google.
I personally see no reason not to root I guess. Autokiller alone seems to make things a bit snappier. I can also pull app apks from google or from my droid x, but I have three of these units for our kids and don't want to constantly be transferring from my x to their units. So I rooted, and put the market fix on so they can search the market themselves.