Why are so many HD games not compatible with the Nexus 7..?


Aug 31, 2012
I've just been looking for Let's Golf 3 HD/Backstab HD & neither are seemingly compatible with the N7.
It's the same with many others too.. why??
Is there any workaround or hack to enable the games to work on the N7, seems complete madness that many of these games are off limits on this awesome little device.
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It's a two pronged problem. The first is that the developer needs to have designed it for a 7" tablet, then Google needs to have it on the approved list. My best suggestion is to ping the dev from the Store home page and ask what's up?

Many newer tablets have that problem so you are not alone. It does seem to be more common with 7" than with 10" tablets.
Thanks for the explanation, seems I should have done a little more research into how well the 7" tablets are supported for gaming.. c'est la vie, you live & learn!
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Thanks for the explanation, seems I should have done a little more research into how well the 7" tablets are supported for gaming.. c'est la vie, you live & learn!

It isn't so much a 7" vs another screen size issue, it is just that the Nexus 7 is the newest tablet running the newest version of Android and sometimes it takes a bit for the app developers to catch up to the newest of the new. Sort of a double edge sword for having the latest and greatest ;)
It isn't so much a 7" vs another screen size issue, it is just that the Nexus 7 is the newest tablet running the newest version of Android and sometimes it takes a bit for the app developers to catch up to the newest of the new. Sort of a double edge sword for having the latest and greatest ;)

OK thanks for that, I don't feel quite as idiotic now & little less eager to trade up for an Ipad
In your experience are the apps generally updated to support the newer devices..?

Absolutely so. Now that Google has launched the Nexus 10 you should start seeing developers getting updates pushed out to accommodate all of the holidays sales of both Nexus devices. I would expect a big shift in the amount of tablet specific apps by February unless both devices bomb over the holidays. That is highly unlikely given the success they are already seeing.
