Windows wants to format my tablet's internal storage?


Dec 18, 2011
A couple of months ago I had to do a factory reset of my 7127. It mostly solved the problems I was having, but ever since, whenever I hook up my tablet to USB on my computer, Windows tells me the internal storage is unformatted and asks to format it. Any idea what's up with that? The tablet works just like it always did, and before the reset it had no problems reading internal storage. I don't want to do another reset, and I'm for sure not going to let it format.

I'm running XP with all the latest updates, and it reads and writes to the SD card just fine.
I bought my tablet Newsmy T3 (8Gb) on july, and after installing a lot of software the system become unstable and resets usually again and again.
The unic solution was to make a "Factory Reset".
After do this the system works properly again, but It was a mistake on the internal storage memory:
On the settings/Storage Menu I could read a Total space of 6'13Gb, but only 4'1Gb available (my tablet have 8Gb),
and when I connected the tablet to my computer (with Windows XP-SP3) it did not recognize this memory and ask me about formatting it.
I did it as FAT32 and when I power up the tablet again a message from android said me that the internal storage memory was damaged, and maybe
it must be reformatted. Now I don't have internal storage memory and I can't install new software.
Please, could you help me to restore my memory?.Thanks.