windows XP calls device android eclair


Oct 31, 2010
First I have been repairing computers for 20 years. Bought a 78 3 different computers and different cables no luck. Have downloaded different drivers still shows device as 3 extra removable drives that don't work by the way. Shows it as the eclair in device manager. Have read all updates and installed but still no luck. If someone could point me to the right thread perhaps I missed the one I need. Like the device despite the problems have had ipods zunes thought this would be a nice change....any help appreciated thanks in advance. Running Windows XP service pack 3...
Showing up as Android Eclair is the expected outcome. That's the internal name for Android 2.1 that's running on your tablet. Once you have everything connected, you need to make sure you mount the drives on your tablet. On your notification bar on your Gentouch, you should see notifications about mounting. Make sure you mount your internal and sd cards. Once that's done, you can access from your pc. You might need to unmount, then mount to get it to recognize.
Joe thank you so much for the reply. I finally got it to find the drives after much unplugging and plugging back in. Probably should have revised the post sorry. Now the problem is it will not do the update holding the back button and doing reset. Hit the batch DOS window with command prompt first per directions. Just sits there drive is active and USB working. My hand is now a permanent claw from holding back button. I am going to return to Kmart and exchange perhaps it is just a bad one. Thank you again for the suggestions appreciate your time and effort....Ed