Wishes and dreams


Nov 28, 2010
Here is what I hope would happen as this year unfolds........ I realize motorola isn't laying the groundwork for a successful launch of the xoom but I hope that there is a plan like the one I am going to propose in the works. It would be great if they sell a decent number of tablets to the early adopters (who always pay a premium obviously) and manage to recoup a lot of their research and development costs (also that superbowl ad). Then in April or whenever Apple is going to release the new Ipad I wish that they would start selling the xoom for something ridiculous like $400 one week before apple's release. They would pull the rug right out from under Apple. All the people saving and waiting would potentially get swept up by the sale and not having to wait for the Ipad......then after a few weeks raise the price back up to something comfortable like $500 to just undercut the Ipads price.

I know this probably won't happen but I think it would be a great idea.........and hey, a guy can dream can't he??!!??:)
March 2nd is the date that is rumored that the iPad2 will be sold on. Quite a lot of people are talking about a price of around $500 - $600 for the iPad2... $300 - $200 less than the Xoom. If so, the Xoom will be killed.
March 2?! Wow. Forget my idea then. The release dates are right on top of each other then. Xoom is screwed!!!
well I bought one today but its not all that its hyped up to be. its nice but there are a lack of apps, other apps crash, and over all its not as awesome as I thought it would be.

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Yeah I have been reading some other user experiences that are about the same as yours. Some are so so reviews and some that like it. But no one seems blown away by it...
Yeah I have been reading some other user experiences that are about the same as yours. Some are so so reviews and some that like it. But no one seems blown away by it...

I honestly don't think ill be keeping this device long. I can't handle all the bugs with this thing. its not worth $800. unless there is an update next week then so long sucker. ill jump on the ipad 2 and drink the coolaid. at least then ill know that the don't reased unfinished software.

Even a gadget feak like myself can't keep up with your flavor of the week tab hopping (S7, Galaxy Tab, Xoom, and now Ipad2) all within the last month - lol. Appreciate your reports on the test drives, though. One of which convinced me to try out the SGT - which I like.

Sent from my SPH-P100

Even a gadget feak like myself can't keep up with your flavor of the week tab hopping (S7, Galaxy Tab, Xoom, and now Ipad2) all within the last month - lol. Appreciate your reports on the test drives, though. One of which convinced me to try out the SGT - which I like.

Sent from my SPH-P100

lol yea its true...I have a gadget problem. I think the next device will either be the LG Slate or ipad 2.
The Android tab fans (early adopters included) are showing serious signs of frustration, and for good reasons. Bugs, ridiculous prices, launch delays, lowered specs, unkept promises and so on. But even though things seem to be moving slowly, think of this market just 10 months ago. So far, I don't worry too much about the Ipad prevailing in the long term, because the best units will always have their time to dominate the market. Remember the PDAs? Palm was not first, but dominated. Remember the early smart phones (PDA hybrids?) Blackberry eventually prevailed. Then it was the iPhone's turn, then Android's. But in any industry, manufacturers are only allowed so many missteps, misfires and bad decisions; then their time will be up. There's still plenty of time for Android tabs, and I am very eager to see the late 2011/early 2012 market landscape.