WM8650 7" Screen too big after rooting and flashing.

Apr 28, 2012
Hi guys, been through the whole monotony of being a first time android user and spent the last two days retrieving what I deemed to be a brick back into a decent and much fast working tablet.
A green/red led WunderMedia 8650 Via ARM926 from Ebay.

I tried ALL the 7" changes and only option 42 in the end got my wi-fi sorted, with working touch pad and sound.

Problem is now, the screen is BIGGER then the actual unit if you see what I mean?

I can't see all my screen regardless of what orientation I have the tablet at.
When my keyboard pops up on the screen, I have to turn the tablet upside down to use it lol

Screen calibration is a waste of time.

I've hopelessly searched for some app that I could use to reduce my screen size to the correct resolution for my unit.

It's almost like it's running on a 9.7 or even a 10" setup but believe me, it IS a 7" screen, although I dunno about the chipset.

I can't find ANY Google threads anywhere with anyone else having this problem anywhere.

Any ideas?:confused:

I'm not keen on trying to flash ROM's other than 7", and I've tried them all with the latest version of Uberoid etc.
Try v10.1 uberoid. I had problems with v11. My changer.bat no was 8(after trying quite a few others!). Your number maybe different but should work fine. I think 42 was meant for a bigger screen than yours maybe. First try all numbers that correspond to screen size,green or blue led( whichever you have) and memory size. Then try different colur led / memory but stick with screen size until all else fails. Good luck.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Hey thanks for a quick reply.
I didn't mention, I had already tried ALL 7" rom for the green led.
I just typed 42 into the changer as I'd given up and hey presto... lol

I was under the impression that tyring a rom for a different colour led wpuld brick the unit?

Apart from that, I can't seem to find a source for v10.1 either.

I don't think it will btick with uberoid. You'll just have to keep trying or try and find stock rom but it Sounds like your in the same boat I was. My Tablets was sold to me as an eken e18(or something like that!) But I dicovered by using uberoid it was a mid703. I loaded this for a friend on his tab and I can remember what the model of that was but it was no 26 on changer!! Took me days!!. I thought it was never gonna work but eventually it did.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Wee, no joy.I
've flashed it with ALL 42 options, on V10 as well as V11, and I even found what was supposedly the stock rom, all to no avail.
The best I can get is option 42 (on V10 and 11) and everything works except the screen is too big, ao I am constantly having to rotate the pad to use it for typing or to see parts of webpages.
I am pretty convinved now that the chipset is just a hunk of bits thrown together and made to work.
SO I opened it lol
Definitely a WM8650 cpu and VIA VT1609 chip, on what looks like a M010Sm_2v3 motherboard, and a Hynix chip with MID JN26301 markings.

Even the 7" options of the rom changer result in my screen being too large regardless of what orientation I hold it at, and there touch system is way off too, it thnks the top of the screen is the right hand side etc.

I'm giving up, it's a piece of junk.

So I've mailed the oriental seller from Ebay, telling him what I thought of it.
I'll get no reply in any case, pretty sure of that.
So I'm sticking in a Paypal dispute just to annoy the fu&*er lol

Best buy UK next time.

Ta for your help buddy!!!
Sorry I can't help, maybe you can sell it on ebay as faulty. They still fetch a few bucks either as spares or for some whizzkid techie to put right.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet