XM Sirius on Kyros?


Staff member
Jan 2, 2011
Has anyone been able to get the XM Sirius app to work on their Kyros? On mine it just sits on "Checking for updates" endlessly. I'm guessing the stupid thing is set to only work on a cellular connection?
Although not a Kyros, Sue7M3, I am able to run without a problem with my Pandigital. I'm also a subscriber though (plus the additional streaming account). Make sure you have one of those...
I don't think you're getting anything Sirius for FREE..... IMHO

Um, where did I say I was looking for anything for free? I have been an XM Sirius subscriber for 8 years (since back when it was just XM). I pay extra for the streaming service, which works great on my BlackBerry. I was just wondering why the app wasn't working on my Kyros. I can log in but it just sits on "Checking for Updates".
I am able to log in and update the channels and channel art but if I try to stream the pinwheel will just sit there spinning. it will never connect. It will even go as far as display the current song but will never connect.

I'm guessing it's set to require a cellular connection. Disappointing but not a big deal as I have it on my BlackBerry and it works great!
I am able to run without a problem with my Pandigital.
I have a Pandigital Novel and I'm having the same problem as Sue7M3. "Checking for updates. Initial content download can take up to 2 minutes." ...forever. Yes, I pay for the online streaming package.

Same result with SiriusXM app versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 (which I got at http://www.siriusxm.com/app-download/android/siriusxm.apk). PDN has Feb. 2011 firmware from pandigital.net.

Has anyone else gotten this to work?