Xoom' loses IP each new session?


Jan 14, 2012
Recently out of the blue the Xoom started losing the IP each time I turn it on. In settings it shows Saved and Available but when I go to the Advanced it shows everything including the mac address but the IP is unavailable. When it reassigns it always it the same address.

Any clues why all of a sudden this Xoom is doing that. I have other wireless devices and they are not losing their IP addresses when shut off and turned back on. I've asked this on another forum and this smarty keeps coming back with, I told you to give it a static mac address. Like there is not other options. This may indeed fix it but it doesn't explain to me why just the Xoom is going that way. Everything else is co-operating. I thought it might be something different. Possibly a little easier as I have never assigned a static mac address to a device.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jack ":-D
I think the fixed Mac address would only apply if you're doing Mac filtering in your router. But, you might consider putting in fixed IP and DNS information in your connection. The problem is likely not the tablet, but your router. There are all kinds of reasons the router might kick you off, and it doesn't matter how many other devices seem to be working fine. I have a link below and my signature with some tips on how to solve WiFi connection problems so you may want to check it out.
I think the fixed Mac address would only apply if you're doing Mac filtering in your router. But, you might consider putting in fixed IP and DNS information in your connection. The problem is likely not the tablet, but your router. There are all kinds of reasons the router might kick you off, and it doesn't matter how many other devices seem to be working fine. I have a link below and my signature with some tips on how to solve WiFi connection problems so you may want to check it out.

Thanks. I tried using the fixed IP thing in the gateway and now the Xoom connects and says connected and but the icon on the Xoom is greyed, not the blue hue we like to see. It doesn't access the internet. Even when the Xoom is on the gateway does not show it's presence there. I don't know where to undo it. I have tried the turning the router off, for 20 minutes but it still did not help after telling the Xoom to forget my network and re-entering it. I did this on advice from another forum guy and now I'm stuck without wi-fi.

It connects to a DSL of a friends nearby and a church that has an xfinity free access. A workable connection. But not mine?

$gateway1.jpg I guess you click on this to enlarge it. This is what I see when the Xoom is showing connected but you don't see it on the gateway. And I used to as and android device ??????
The fixed IP won't allow you to access anything on the Internet without also inputting a fixed DNS. If you don't know what you're DNS is you can use Google's servers. -
using those or as I normally use for Comcast did not work. They won't load a page but I doubt I'd know what to do with the info. I don't see a place on the Arris Comcast gateway to alter DNS settings and I've been all over that real estate. Thanks. I think I'm quitting, all too much and slightly over my head for this time. I have Verizon DSL for 7 years and never had these problems with multiple devices. They always worked fine. ?? Thanks anyway.