Xoom Reviews Around the Web...


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
According to Engadget, the Xoom:
Motorola Xoom review -- Engadget
Is the Xoom a real competitor to the iPad? Absolutely. In fact, it outclasses the iPad in many ways. Still, the end user experience isn't nearly where it needs to be, and until Google paints its tablet strategy and software picture more clearly, we'd suggest a wait-and-see approach. Honeycomb and the Xoom are spectacular -- unfortunately they're a spectacular work in progress.

Motorola XOOM review | BGR | Boy Genius Report
With that said, the Motorola XOOM goes on sale tomorrow in the U.S. for $599 with a two-year service agreement, and I’m sure plenty of people will thoroughly enjoy it despite the aforementioned shortcomings.

Anandtech (this is a REAL review with benchmarks):

This conclusion is obviously unfair to Apple given the rumored impending release of the iPad 2, but if I had to buy a tablet today it’d probably be the Xoom.
Impressive may well describe Xoom's spec and performance. But when it comes to sale, will the same word applies? Ipad 2 is just around the corner and the ipad originals, which has huge potential buyer population, are on sale everywhere right now. This xoom is very weakly positioned and lack of unique character, unlike the Droid phones or the galaxy tab from last year.

Basically, communication from moto to end users about it's first tab is simply not enough, and the core message delivered is meaningless to many (if not most) end users. The line is something like "the world's first device powered by Android honeycomb". Hahaha..I just don't see why consumer should find any meaning and see any benefits from this message. I mean..right, what device? This is just too generic, the marketing people could do a better job here. And what on the earth is honeycomb? Why should I (an average end user) care. What's the good for me? As a clueless average end user, I just can't relate and then, of course, I turn to something I can relate. In my opinion, this positioning strategy does not work.

Needless to say, I wouldn't choose xoom over the ipad/ipad 2 or even the samsung G-tab as the portable tablet is on sale at $299/$249. Pricing is not worst but not good either and I see it just another way to turn away potential buyers, like me. Hope moto can fix these issues quick enough and make Xoom a really success.
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feverhost i dont think im doing any of that stuff to this one.i had the augen rooted,but it was a cheapo lol.i must admit the 1.5ghz overclock is awesome.

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pharoah: If you are going to use this for the 3G/4G connection... make sure you don't. Verizon will require absolutely no changes to the device if you want it upgraded to 4G.. if there are any.. they'll ship it back.
yeah im not going to!i probably will get the 4g upgrade i do have a data plan.

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