Zenithink 2 and Market?


Mar 4, 2011
I just purchased one of these but read somewhere else that version 2 has had issues gettting Market to work. Is that the case and if so, what is the work around?
I just purchased an EPad 2.2 and am having issues getting Android Market to download apps. Does anyone have a work around?
Just got mine in and the stuff in Market just keeps saying starting download and nothing is happening? is that what yours does?
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I had tried every trick on the net to get market working on my zt180. I eventually set up an emulator with market to download apps and move them to my device.

Then I accidentally discovered that when i set the timezone etc manually market started working! No idea why but after this the market works without issues

yeah I had the same issue actually, could not get to market and was having trouble with apps installing. Then I went and set the date and time and BINGO! Now everything works, I'm typing this from Opera now on a USB keyboard. This tablet is so amazing and so much cheeper. Now if we could only get skype to work with the camera :)