Android 3.1 ... still honeycomb?


May 13, 2011
Does anyone else other than be find it strange that google has choose to call continue calling its android 3.1 operating system Honeycomb? I mean...
2.2 = Froyo
2.3 = Gingerbread
3.0 = Honeycomb
3.1 = ... still Honeycomb

Every other android major.minor version change has been given a new name, but not 3.1 . Maybe I'm just an ubergeek for noticing but I'm curious if anyone else has any thought a on this.

I vote to start nicknaming 3.1 Honeysuckle! ... lol
not really... for one, I'm pretty sure 3.1 is what 3.0 was supposed to be, they just wanted to get it out on the market so they cut some corners.
So, is it be available to upgrade currently? Or how to upgrade the current OS version( Froyo or gingerbread) to 3.1?