Augen Gentouch Sources Released for GPL Compliance, Developers Rejoice


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010

Clarification: As corrected by CPG, this was a combined effort of the Augen development community, which does not mainly reside at xda developers, but at #augenmod-dev, here, and Slatedroid respectively. The released package was not actually the kernel source requested.

Android source codes was released by Augen yesterday, thanks to the ongoing efforts of the Augen Gentouch developers over at xda. The download is over 300MB, and seems to be the Telechips SDK issued for Android GPL compliance.

This allows for much improved custom firmware development not just for the Augen Gentouch, but even for shanzhai Telechips TCC8902 based devices devices such as the Hapiad M701 and the HSG MID X5A. It's a step in the right direction.
Two things? XDA developers?? This had more to do with efforts from users from here, (marcelol's petition) and us at #augenmod-dev channel , not really anyone with XDA. The XDA thread has become nothing but people asking questions on the device, no development.

Second, as I posted yesterday, and cutterjohn reiterated, this is NOT Source as promised.

My bad. I didn't do enough research into this one to get the details.

But the fact that they did release something means that they are at least trying.
My bad. I didn't do enough research into this one to get the details.

But the fact that they did release something means that they are at least trying.

I agree totally, they are trying. Only sad part, is Augen themselves weren't able to tell that this wasnt what they thought it was.

Today I received an email blast from Borders that, among other things, mentioned the soon-to-be-released Cruz Tablet from Velocity Micro. By all appearances this is another Android tablet option, yet they're marketing it through the e-reader community. Has anyone looked into this? The specs sound interesting and the price point is great.

Cruz Tablet
I am in for Viewsonic G 10" with Nvida GPU going to be sold at RadioShack, Samsclub, Walmart, Sears, an etc in October 2010.