battery getting killed by "media" & "mediaserver" even though off


Mar 30, 2013
So lately I've been burning through battery life. Just yesterday, after being completely dead, I charged to full, turned on airplane mode (thus NO wifi or gps) and a mere 14 hours later after NEVER turning the screen on once, I am down to 15%. So finally I got smart and went and looked at battery usage- 45% has been from "media" and another 45% from "media server", yet the media server sharing option is currently set to OFF. What gives here???
Hi Dolpheye and welcome. You obviously have a couple of apps using your battery, you should find them and disable them to reduce battery usage. Sometimes rebooting your tablet may fix that. Go to settings and check running apps to find the culprits. Good luck!
Funnily enough, I have just come onto the forum for the first time in yonks because of exactly this problem!

I was going to ask just what the "media server" is and what it does: I was able to turn it off from the battery menu (since it seemed to be eating the battery) without any apparent effect, but later found it had switched on again.

Just what does it do?
Dolpheye, I hope you haven't killed the battery. Never run it below 20%. If you completely depleted the battery chances are you've given it a stake through the heart. After 2 years battery is still going strong.