Battle For CPU Supremacy: NVIDIA Calls Out Apple on Speed Claims of A5X vs. Tegra 3


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Jan 5, 2011

Unless you were living under a rock, or simply trying to avoid it, the big news yesterday was the launch of Apple's new "The New iPad" (what were they thinking on that non-name name?). During their press event, Apple made a big fuss about how much faster their A5X chip is than the NVIDIA Tegra 3. They even claimed that the quad-core GPU in their A5X was 4 times faster than the Tegra 3 solution. Of course, NVIDIA has come forward and called out Apple on these outlandish claims. Ken Brown, a spokesman for NVIDIA, called them to task. He indicated that it was “certainly flattering" that Apple made the comparison, but called their data "sketchy" at best. He elaborated,

“We don’t have the benchmark information. We have to understand what the application was that was used. Was it one, or a variety of applications? What drivers were used? There are so many issues to get into with benchmark. At some point it will become more clear what the performance really is. For now, Apple has a really generic statement.”

It seems that Apple's statements may have ignited a benchmark war. We will soon see the "proof in the pudding" when the new iPad hits store shelves and some actual benchmark comparisons are made. What do you guys think? Could Apple's claims be true, or are they blowing smoke?

Source: via TalkAndroid
NVIDIA can make an app made for the Tegra3 and loosely port it over to IOS and claim that their GPU is 5X faster, I am betting thats what Crapple did because they are a thieving, lying, greedy corporation.
That's a prety outlandish claim - it would be foolish to use that '4x the speed of a competitor' argument without solid data.

Hard to believe, imo. Nvidia is being quite mild in their statements so far too. :p

I love benchmarks, but like statistics, they can be abused to suit someone's intentions. Third party testing would be best - and Apple should have clarifieed, right upon stating that '4x Tegra3 performance' what are they referring to.

As it is, it's just fodder for the iSheep and the less-tech savvy press folks.
I am not impressed with Apples claims. They have been spouting off way too much without firm data to backup their claims. Between their frivelous law suits and propriatary devices, they are surely over the top. If one believe such claims, they can stand in line with the rest, to have smoke blown up their shoots!!!!!
Apple is The New Microsoft.

As in, mid-90's 'We Own You All' Microsoft. Now a much humbler company, world is better as a result.

At that time, Apple was almost going bankrupt, due to the bozos at the company's helm (Steve Jobs's words, currently reading the excellent biography by W. Isaacson).
You know Apple was build on smoke and Mirrors and they like it that way the pull things out of thier rear and people just stand and look amazed and say wow so thats where human waste comes from I'll take two and don't forget to over charge me and make sure right after I buy it you have another model come out so I can buy that one too.