Can't get internal memmory mounted in my s7 anymore


Mar 12, 2011
Hi, I have a rooted ideos s7, single camera with 8gb internal storage. I was trying out link2sd and therefor changed the partitions on the internal sd. Becouse it didn't work with all apps I deleted (after linking al the apps back to usual place) the second partition from internal sd and resized it to its original size. After that I was unable to mount the internal sd in the tablet, it still shows up on my pc. I have tried factory reset and also formatting and mounting the internal sd in the settings. Can somebody help with this as I no longer know what I can do. thx in advance
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Best thing you can do is reformat the internal sd card to fat with your pc. It sounds as if the file table has been damaged and the built in format function of Android isn't that great at resolving it.
Tried reformatting several times until it wanted to load. Only slow format option did the trick. Thanks for the advice, glad it is working again. I'll look if I can get link2sd to work on external card know :)