Can't Root MID9740

The problem as I stated, can't be duplicated on my test tablet. My tablets don't have nand.ko, My tablets never loose contact with nand. What activates the lock on tablets like you have? That is the question.

No recovery or rom should be flashed on these tablets until we find a way to undo this locking.
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oh. im sorry, ive almost given up on it. haven't done a singe thing since then..
so then i tried repeating some things..

what ive done so far:

mounted an sdcard to cwm with the nand.ko file,
pushed it to /tmp/nand.ko
insmod it

then ends up, getting stuck, on the cache thingy:

~ # ls /dev/block
ls /dev/block
loop0 loop2 loop4 loop6 mmcblk0 nandf ram0
loop1 loop3 loop5 loop7 mmcblk0p1 platform ram1

~ # mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandf /cache
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandf /cache
mount: mounting /dev/block/loop0 on /cache failed: Invalid argument

is it that nandf the thingy your talking about??
that's a relief.. but then, can i make one last request?? i cant work on linux, so. . . can i please have a copy of the image you made from my dumps instead??
Okay... Im here to help...

I have 9740 as well with the same build as yours...

@J2m, how do you root you tablet? please provide instructions? and does the tablet work/boot normally when you rooted?


1)assuming J2ms root method worked, what dump image that you need?

2)Can i use Folken's instructions to have GAPPS?? This worked on my brother' MID 7035 tablet
Okay i have manage to root using bin4ry's batch file using new Standard Root

I will try to add GAPPS manually... will try to create image dump using Travelers batch file and livesuit