Changed Resolution and now apps crash.


Jul 25, 2011
Edited my system file for resolution and set too low. Now my apps crash when I start them and I cannot edit file back to original setting. Set my dpi to 100. Is there anyway to edit file using adb or something else?
Edited my system file for resolution and set too low. Now my apps crash when I start them and I cannot edit file back to original setting. Set my dpi to 100. Is there anyway to edit file using adb or something else?
I was able to pull file from tablet and edit setting. Problem now is adb says file system is read only and I cannot push back to tablet. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
Got it working. Woohoo
Problem now it says my internal sd card is unmounted when I go into es file manager? When I enable usb as storage and look with win7 it shows 2 gigs.