Coby 9742 Cant Navigate CWM


Junior Member
Nov 24, 2014
So long story short

Model i think is this : Coby 9742-8

Tried to install googleplay via Livesuite (didnt back up i know) and fixed all modules with touch etc but my wifi doesnt work and i dont know what to do im trying everything I installed Terminal and did the adb set up and i guess i installed recovery i ran this command on CMD on my computer

Adb Shell


root@android:/ # echo -n boot-recovery | busybox dd of=/dev/block/nandf count=1
conv=sync; sync; reboot

and it takes me to CWM-Based Recovery v6.0.2.8 9742 by Vampirefo

but i cant navigate the CWM menu i tried clicking the VOL+ and VOL- and back button but it doesnt move at all i tried reinstalling it with the automated "root utility" but same thing does not navigate is there a hidden command i have to do or is there another recovery i have to install? and if so how im just lost and i want to reinstall a different rom hopefully with the wifi working

Also im not the best at this is my first attempt at trying this so if you can bare with me and help me out id appreciate it!

Heres the recovery menu im looking at but i cant go down or anything :

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Consider yourself lucky you didn't brick your tablet. ADB and LiveSuite do not play nice with each other.

Your issues with the volume controls and WiFi are related, both caused by installing the LiveSuite ROM. The entire reason the LiveSuite ROM links were deleted from these forums is because the ROM was never updated to reflect the changes in hardware that are common in the bulk of the Coby tablets. In your case, you have hardware that is incompatible with the LiveSuite ROM, which is why the volume controls and the WiFi do not function.

Obviously, we have no control over other forums, and unfortunately LiveSuite ROM links are still readily available especially as it appears to be the "accepted" method for rooting many tablets. However, while it may be "accepted", it's not preferred, and is arguably the only location online where a rooting method that doesn't require LiveSuite can be found.

Since you apparently did not make a backup of your tablet's firmware before playing with LiveSuite, you'll have to try out the firmware dumps we make available for the purpose and hope you can restore your tablet that way. Instructions are available on the forums which explain how to use the dumps, and one of them should work for you. Otherwise, you may be left with no choice but to continue trying to use LiveSuite, as we don't support LiveSuite-modified tablets.
Consider yourself lucky you didn't brick your tablet. ADB and LiveSuite do not play nice with each other.

Your issues with the volume controls and WiFi are related, both caused by installing the LiveSuite ROM. The entire reason the LiveSuite ROM links were deleted from these forums is because the ROM was never updated to reflect the changes in hardware that are common in the bulk of the Coby tablets. In your case, you have hardware that is incompatible with the LiveSuite ROM, which is why the volume controls and the WiFi do not function.

Obviously, we have no control over other forums, and unfortunately LiveSuite ROM links are still readily available especially as it appears to be the "accepted" method for rooting many tablets. However, while it may be "accepted", it's not preferred, and is arguably the only location online where a rooting method that doesn't require LiveSuite can be found.

Since you apparently did not make a backup of your tablet's firmware before playing with LiveSuite, you'll have to try out the firmware dumps we make available for the purpose and hope you can restore your tablet that way. Instructions are available on the forums which explain how to use the dumps, and one of them should work for you. Otherwise, you may be left with no choice but to continue trying to use LiveSuite, as we don't support LiveSuite-modified tablets.

Really damn i should of done more research on it then only reason i did so was because nobody else had instructions that were easy besides 1 youtube video that everybody seemed to have success with but upon reading it i noticed theres mulitple models of 9742 and mine was the one that had issues with it -_-''

I downloaded the firmware dumps but i have no idea how to install them i figured i needed CWM and install the zip file that way, but since i cant navigate the cwm menu i dont know any other method of installing the dumps to have it back to stock or back to where wifi is still usable
Firmware dumps won't work for you if the volume controls don't work. You'll have to continue using LiveSuite. Check your PMs.

Our procedure isn't nearly as easy as LiveSuite, but it's a heck of a lot safer. It avoids issues with LiveSuite bricking tablets, which has been known to happen.
Firmware dumps won't work for you if the volume controls don't work. You'll have to continue using LiveSuite. Check your PMs.

Our procedure isn't nearly as easy as LiveSuite, but it's a heck of a lot safer. It avoids issues with LiveSuite bricking tablets, which has been known to happen.

Thank you Honestly appreciate the help i really dont want to give up on this tablet yet next time im just going to avoid livesuite all together and hopefully go the safe route though its a little more complex (im more of a visual learner) i think the results would pay off will keep you all updated
You sound a lot like me. The entire reason the LiveSuite-free method exists is because I wanted to avoid LiveSuite at all costs when I was looking for a root procedure for my 9742. With more than a little help from vampirefo here, it happened.
You sound a lot like me. The entire reason the LiveSuite-free method exists is because I wanted to avoid LiveSuite at all costs when I was looking for a root procedure for my 9742. With more than a little help from vampirefo here, it happened.

Sometimes the easier the fix is doesnt mean you dont have more work to do afterwords lol i learned that the hard way thats for sure using livesuite lol but so far so good wifi is back up but the volume buttons are a no go which im completely fine with im sure i can find a work around but if i can find a solution to getting those buttons back and working again it would be amazing! lol
Was this a used tablet? If so, it's possible there's a problem with the volume rocker.
Was this a used tablet? If so, it's possible there's a problem with the volume rocker.

Honestly i just bought it a week ago it was working before i attemped to install the play store, but that could be possible i think i need to troubleshoot it more and see if it is or not