Coby Mid 7022 Touchscreen not working properly


May 23, 2011
I have a coby mid 7022 tablet that i set up for my four year old daughter. Last night w was going to install a new app and I noticed the touchscreen is not working right. Seems like it needs to be calibrated. When i try to use the dock and i have the tablet in landscape with the back button on the right i cannot access it, instead when i click on the app drawer it launches the app that is to its left.. In effect when I try to use any dock shortcuts and the tablet is in landscape with back button on the right, I can only launch the apps on the first row adjacent to the dock. The same is true when in portrait with back button on the bottom

On the other hand when I have the tablet in landscape with the Word COBY to the right it works just fine. The shortcuts all work on the homescreem, even the row all the way to the left launch properly. The touchscreen error again appears when you are in an app and cannot use the area immediately beside the back button. In fact in some apps the back button stops working as well and you cannot get out. Since my tablet is rooted with google market, the home button does not work.

Your input and direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You