Connecting to Domained Network (proxy servers)


May 18, 2012
Hi everyone, I am a high school teacher and we are looking to buy some tablets for our students to use. We purchased one and are trying to see if we can get all the "bugs" worked out before we buy a whole bunch of them. Our main sticking point is connecting it to our domain. We tried connecting it normally by entering in name and password. It connects and everything, but when we go online every page times out. We also tried using the proxy address and same result. Does anyone have an idea on how we can proceed. These are great tablets for about a fourth the cost of an iPad.

Thanks in advance.

Zenithink c91 upgrade ICS 4.0.3
I think we may need a little more information. Are you trying to connect over WiFi, directly through an access pint or router?

Is the domain on the same network as the WiFi, if that's the case?

What app are you trying to use to connect?

Have you attempted to do this connection using an admin account?

I'm assuming a lot here since I have done this before but don't know your overall configuration. A proxy should not be required if the other computers on the network don't require a proxy, (just an fyi).
I'm not the official tech guy so I will get those answers, but here's what I know.

We connect via 802.1XEAP.

When we connect our laptops to the wifi it logs us into the domain as well.

We haven't tried any apps, just using the default wifi settings.

And I don't think we have tried the admin account.

When I click on the properties it says the network authentication method is PEAP.
