Copy to SD card issue


Jul 27, 2012
Have a HannsPad SN70T3 running ICS 4.03 - have a 32G microSD card installed.

Using USB copied about 1G of PDF files to the card - no problem - all display.

Have 380mb of addl PDf's that I copied the same way - ALL of them will not display - show invalid PDF format from Adobe yet ALL display properly on PC.

Then tried removing the SD card and copying files directly from PC - same issue.

Then using USB - copied same files to the INTERNAL SD storage in the tablet - ALL files display just fine!

Since the external SD was where I wanted the files - I copied them internally using ESExplorer from the internal SD to the external SD. All filles failed again yet I can open them just fine on the internal SD storage.

What am I missing? is it possible that I have a defective SD card? Over 1G of pdf's copied just fine, just these last few.

If there's a better forum for this question - please advise.


VIC, I don't think you're missing anything. I think you have a bad or badly formatted SD card despite the fact that it appears to work in the PC. 2 suggestions, the first would be to reformat the card FAT32 in your PC the second would be to download this program to test the card in your PC if the format didn't help. There are unfortunately a lot of knock-off cards out there that Android is more sensitive to than a PC.
Ah - that's what I suspected. I'll download the checker and see what I can find. At least I now have a direction to go in. Not that familiar with the Android OS and have been around computers long enough to know that most poblems are user error.

I would suggest that, if you DO format the card, do NOT use the 'quick' format...
There are issues of file corruption and I'm not sure it has to do with the external SD card. I have file corruption happening when I using a word processor app. Whether I use DOCS TO GO, OFFICESUITE, or OLIVE OFFICE if I open an existing doc and make additions to the file and save it the file gets corrupted. In one case OLIVE OFFICE totally wiped the file out of existance.

It must have something to do with ICS - not sure!
There are issues of file corruption and I'm not sure it has to do with the external SD card. I have file corruption happening when I using a word processor app. Whether I use DOCS TO GO, OFFICESUITE, or OLIVE OFFICE if I open an existing doc and make additions to the file and save it the file gets corrupted. In one case OLIVE OFFICE totally wiped the file out of existance.

It must have something to do with ICS - not sure!

Just n FYI that there could be a corruption issue on your Acer but it is unlikely to be an ICS problem. If that was the case I and everyone else I know who is using ICS would be having the same problem and they aren't. It is more likely Acer's implementation of ICS or some other app that is interfering with the operation of your tablet.
The problem is possibly due to the fact that the formatting software in Windows is generic, i.e. it is used for HDDs, various cards and other plug-in devices.

I suggest you try formatting software which is SD specific; this has solved some problems for me in the past. The current version is 3.1 and it is available in many places on the internet. Probably the easiest site to use is Panasonic's who provide it here:
SD/SDHC/SDXC Memory Card Formatting Software | Download | SD Memory Card | Digital AV | Consumer Products | Support | Panasonic Global

Hope this helps.
Im going to suggest that Windows (?) is attempting to use a block size that ICS cannot handle and thus, is ICS is getting everything wrong...
a 16gb card uses 8192, if Im right... you can TRY using the same with the 32... but it may not work that way.

Just a thought.