FlyTouch Brick, please help


Jan 20, 2011
Hello again, your help is needed ...
Actually found a firmware for its Appliances, but it is not suitable to resolve, so I tried to fix it, here's what happened:
I threw the firmware on an SD card, ran the tablet, the display shows "installing the firmware will start in 8,7,6 and so on.
But suddenly I remembered that I had the camera turned, and I squeezed off button to cancel the firmware, I thought I have time, but managed to flash started, and you can see the "Update U-Boot" or get by the case, and the tablet is turned off.
Now when you press the power button is illuminated green LED, but nothing on the screen does not show up and flash does not start, tried many firmware and on and on FlyTOuch Eken m001 \ m003, nothing happens, but he Appliances heats up as well as before

And yet, and now to turn the tablet does not need to clamp the power button, all on a single click on trial and he will turn on or off ....
Can I get by rebuild my tablet?
Hello, this topic has not helped me, because I do not whisking in programming, I'd simpler version:)
If the unit seems to turn on/off by a simple push of the button, then it isn't actually turning off all the way but going into a sleep mode. Try holding down the power button for a full slow count of ten. Wait at least half a minute before trying to turn it on again. If the power on light is lit with only a short push of the power button now, it has other problems. You might nned to try unplugging the battery.

(This is done assuming that the battery is fully charged.) Unplug the external power supply. You would need to remove the back cover and unplug the battery for a full minute. (Get help if you need it.) Plug it back in and try a startup. [Put the SD card in with the new firmware into the tablet before you do the startup.] Unplugging the battery can make all the difference in restarting when you only get a blank screen on power-up.

Also, you didn't need to worry about the camera. It should only turn on after the main OS is loaded.