
Hi michellbear2 welcome to the Forum, I suggest you start a new thread in the Q & A section and ask your question there, it'll merely get lost in here.

Edit: Unless Mark knows the answer! lol!
Hi michellear2, welcome to Android Tablets. As Jimbo pointed out, you need to post your question in the Android Tablet Q&A section. Just click that link and you'll go right there. Also, you'll need to tell folks exactly which tablet you have. Good luck!
Hi Guys,

My android learning journey continues, My wifes Archos 80 g9 had stopped reading sd cards so I called the vendor QVC UK who due to the fact they were out of stock of replacements offered me a refund, so full credit to them for fantastic customer service as this tablet was 5 months old & wern't obliged to refund. There was no way my wife was going without her beloved Archos so I had a look around & even though prices had dropped a nicer alternative came up ! I found on Amazon for £40 more than the original refund a Archos 80 g9 turbo 250gb ( no piddling little 64gb cards for her !) so I ve been helping her put back all her favorite apps on the new one plus a load more films than were possible before, needless to say she is very happy to say the least !
Ive also been busy customising a allwinner ICS tablet with apps & bookmarks suitable for my grandson who's 8th birthday it is tomorrow, cant wait to see his face tomorrow as he is always pleading to use my wifes Archos.

My thanks to forum members , sponsors & mods without their help & advice I would not have the confidence to tackle such projects, I'm using my original Android venture (my DM7033) on a daily basis in my van & loving it !

Mark :cool:
Hi Mark,

Thanks so much for coming back to let us know how you're getting along with your "Android Adventures".:eek: It's refreshing to hear from people who are happy with their tablets and enjoying them. Most of the time it's complaints about something missing or broken or not working.:cool:

Hi Spider,

I think up to 70% of complaints relate to a lack of understanding of the product and the rest genuine faults etc, either way most of the time the answers are here I'm glad to say !

Mark :)

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