Having issues modifying scriptcmd.


Jul 22, 2011
Hi all, I'm currently working on my WM8505 tablet to try and get a working Windows CE installation on it, I got it to install using the following firmware

It boots up, erases the nand, updates the usual files required to boot up and gets all the way through, tells me to reboot without microsd card and then boots off the nand.

It's working quite fast as it is with as far as I can see wifi, sound, 3g, bluetooth and ethernet are found and all seem to work fine but I haven't tested wifi properly yet as I have the network cable in.

The only issue I have is the usual problem, no touchscreen. The following below is the scriptcmd from the above firmware:

'V7šcñL[ß+ e êÂ(0Script Created by Win32
] setenv lcdparam 1,30000,8,800,480,48,40,40,3,29,13,d8110508|10,d8110504|10,d8110500|10
setenv board_name WM8505_1613
setenv TouchIC 0
setenv NoBootProgressBar 1
setenv NoBootInformation 1
setenv battvoltlist 6445,7195,7375,7485,7555,7625,7725,7825,7905,7975,8275
setenv bLowVoltShutdown 1
setenv audio.recordselect MicIn
setenv audio.gpio 3
setenv audio.ic VT1613
setenv pwmparam 0,5,599,449,539,299,30,0,27
setenv EthernetIC 1
setenv LowVoltConfig 12
setenv gpiostate 3
setenv FakeBattDetect 4
setenv fakeadcpercent
setenv ThreshholdCnt 570000
setenv regop D8110064|C,D811008C|C,D81100B4&~4,D81100B4|8,D8130054|1
setenv CameraGPIO
setenv bDesktopMotor
setenv raminfo
setenv rominfo
setenv cpuinfo

setenv flash_safeaddr 2000000
setenv flash_bmpaddr 3E00000
setenv bootdelay 1

setenv SHOW_LOGO 1
setenv LCD_ENABLE 1
setenv LCD_ID 1
setenv BMP_ADR 3C00000
setenv LCDC_FB 7600000
setenv CxScreen 320
setenv CyScreen 1E0
setenv LOGO_STRING Loading OS Image ...
setenv X_LTEXT 116
setenv Y_LTEXT 166

setenv logocmd nand readblob ${BMP_ADR} ${flash_bmpaddr}\;logo show
setenv bootcmd nand readblob 100000 0\;go 100000

setenv this_job_desc System_Update
fatload mmc 0 ${BMP_ADR} script/logo.bmp
logo show

textout 60 30 "${board_name} ${this_job_desc} after 5 seconds" ff0000
sleep 1
textout 60 30 "${board_name} ${this_job_desc} after 4 seconds" ff0000
sleep 1
textout 60 30 "${board_name} ${this_job_desc} after 3 seconds" ff0000
sleep 1
textout 60 30 "${board_name} ${this_job_desc} after 2 seconds" ff0000
sleep 1
textout 60 30 "${board_name} ${this_job_desc} after 1 seconds" ff0000
sleep 1

textout 60 30 "${board_name} ${this_job_desc} running..." ff0000
setenv this_job_desc

textout 60 130 "0. Erasing nand flash ..." ffff00
nand erase all
textout 60 160 "......Erase nand flash successful!" 00ff00

textout 60 190 "1. Upgrading logo ..." ffff00
fatload mmc 0 20000 script/logo.bmp
nand writeblob 20000 ${flash_bmpaddr} ${filesize}
textout 60 220 "......Upgrade logo successful!" 00ff00

textout 60 250 "2. Upgrading normal mode ..." ffff00
fatload mmc 0 FFFF8 script/normal_nk.nb0
nand writeblob FFFF8 0 ${filesize}
textout 60 280 "......Upgrade normal mode successful!" 00ff00

textout 60 310 "3. Upgrading safe mode ..." ffff00
fatload mmc 0 FFFF8 script/safe_nk.nb0
nand writeblob FFFF8 $(flash_safeaddr) ${filesize}
textout 60 340 "......Upgrade safe mode successful!" 00ff00

sleep 1
go 100000
sleep 1

I can see the Touch IC is reading as 0 but every time I change it, it completely skips the SD card as the scriptcmd is not correctly configured.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as I'd prefer the tablet for windows ce rather than android. I Had no luck with android firmware.

Also I am trying this as I read I need to use "mkscript.exe" , not sure why though.

the Batch file is below:

echo offrem HcH
color 0a
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -d script.txt scriptcmd
if exist script.txt goto end else goto error

echo ###################################
echo ###################################
del scriptcmd
