Hello Tablet Guru's


Jul 7, 2012
Hey all,

Just wanted to say hi to all and introduce myself.

I was a Crackberry lover until I got so mad at BB that I decided to try my hand at Droids. I went to upgrade my mobile phone to the latest Blackberry Torch, and after playing with it for a few weeks, I found the OS to be extremely buggy and the hardware to be way under powered. I took it back to AT&T and decided to purchase my first Android device, the HTC Inspire 4G. Since then I have been completely hooked. I recently upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy Note. Other then a few bugs I found with the S-Pen, I absolutely love it! This device though has made me crave a tablet. This is my reason for joining the forums here. I mainly came here to learn about tablets and hope that you all can advise me, give me some advise towards purchasing a tablet.

A little bit about me... I have spent over 15 years in the IT field. I held many positions from Technical Support, to Systems Administration and Application Engineering. Back in 2009 I became gravely Ill and I am no longer able to work. I am awaiting my disability so I don't have alot of money to be able to purchase what ever new technological device is out there so these days, I have to make my purchases worth while. This means that I look for engaging in conversations with those who know much more then me about the devices I am interested in hopes that I can purchase the best device for the smallest amount of money that I can deal with. I am hope all you here can help me to learn what I need to learn and advise me on the best tablet I can get.

I look forward to getting some great advise from everyone here. When I joined the forums, I was completely unaware that there were so many choices in tablets! OIY

I hope you all advise me well and I look forward to making some new friends around here!

I am currently a member of Androidforums.com, androidcentral.com, RsFsquad.org (FPS gaming squad), and multiple other technology based forums and websites.

So here goes nothing!! I can't wait to dig into the knowledge around here!

Hello Enduser2941,

It's a pleasure to welcome you to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android.

Once you feel you've got a good idea what you're dealing with, you probably do already, the best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. Just post your requirements over there and I'm sure you'll get plenty of advice and recommendations.

Good luck finding "your" perfect tablet and enjoy the forum!
Guess I should have checked your other post first, seems you were way ahead of me.:eek: