

Mar 10, 2011
Hello, I am a new member, I found this forum searching for assistance with my new tablet. I currently own 3 Android powered products, a My Touch 3G, a My Touch 4G, and a Coby Kyros 7015 tablet. I had wanted one for reading comics because I am so behind that I needed something to help me read them more often. A ride the bus a lot so this was something I thought would make the commuting better.

I am a current college student, community college hoping to transfer to ASU in the fall but $$$ is an issue so who knows. If I do I will be majoring in Film and Media Studies with a minor in Digital Culture. I live in Az and have always liked technology.

So I just wanted to say hello!
Welcome! Check out the coby kyros sub forum with help on your tablet, you might be impressed with how much better it can become with a little tinkering!

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