Help with opening files in microsoft format coby 7005


Mar 13, 2011
I just purchased my first tablet. I had considered a more expensive unit but was told with the apps I should be able to do what I need it for. I am a student and use blackboard to do my classes. When I open the site it works fine but when I try to open a file the prof has posted or see a video it won't allow it. What app do I need for this? Also will I be able to write on the worksheets when I open them as you would in office? I have loaded officesuite but still couldn't open the file?? I really need help. I thouhg this would be good for observations that I need to do this week. Nothing like waiting til the last minute I know.
This may not be specific to an app but rather may depend on the format. If the video posted by the prof is in Flash format, most Tablets won't view it.

Now I have heard some say that they can view Flash with the Skyfire browser but I can't confirm that.

Sent from my MID7015
Reply with a list of formats and we can help you find some apps.
If the videos are flash try playing them with the skyfire browser or Dolphin Browser HD.

Sent from my MID7015A
I have done the things that have been suggested but still not working the way I had hoped. I tried to download Java and am pretty much feeling like this is not available. :( Since purchasing the 7005 I have found the 7015 cheaper. Would I be able to get more of this type of stuff on it than this system? I know it is the latest version.