How to Put JB or BB on D2-911


Senior Member
Oct 19, 2013
I am new to the tablet scene, but I like what I see and will probably continue with it. I am trying to find out how I can put JB or BB on my d2 pad. I have read that the flash tool has to compatible with the tablet. I have one for the thrive, but I cannot find one for the d2 pad. I would like to change the bootloader to a faster one. I think the device is rooted already. The root checker will not give me any root info. I let it run for quite a while and I get a busy indication, but I never get any root info. I do get build info. The build info gives me :

BOARD - nuclear; BOOTLOADER - unknown; BRAND - softwinners; CPU_ABI - armeabi-v7a; DEVICE - nuclear-evb; FINGERPRINT - softwinners/nuclear_evb/nuclear-evb:4.0.4/IMM76D/20120928:eng/test-keys; FIRMWARE - 1.5; HARDWARE - sun5i; ID - IMM76D; MANUFACTURER - unknown; MODEL - d2-911; PRODUCT - nuclear_evb; RADIO and SERIAL are - unknown; TABLRTUI - true; TAGS - test-keys; TYPE - eng; USER - lhm

If anyone could give me some insight on how to do this or just point to somewhere that can tell me, I would appreciate any help.

Thank You,