How to unbrick my Coby Kyros Mid1125


Jul 8, 2012
Using exact directions from files i got from another forum i bricked my Coby Kyros Mid1125 tablet. I was using FWDN when it happened. FWDN does not regonize the tablet now. It does nothing at all. I only get a blank screen when powered on. The Home, Back and Menu buttons all light up but that's it! when i plug into my computers they all make a noise indicating that a device was attached but nothing else happens. I've opened the tablet and have not been able to find the internal SD card if there is one. I have SDK installed but i don really know how it works. Also whats the difference and how to determine if it's Soft bricked or Hard bricked??? And how or can i flash it using adb or fastboot??? !!!! Can someone/anyone help please !!!!